Category Archives: pdc10

Xpert360 PivotViewer Blog Article Index

[Last updated: 2011-06-22]
This post is intended to be a landing place to bring together links to our growing collection of PivotViewer articles in one place. We will update this article to reflect new blog posts and other useful links.
If you are not familiar with overriding the Silverlight PivotViewer control’s OnApplyTemplate() method then I recommend taking the time to work through the posts in the ‘Adventures with PivotViewer’ series and build up your portfolio of customization skills.
These articles are based on the version of the control shipped separately from the Silverlight 4 SDK. We will update and extend articles with information relevant to Silverlight 5 SDK as they become available. If you are already customizing your PivotViewer experience then dive right in:
Adventures with PivotViewer
PivotViewer Shorts
PivotViewer Miscellaneous
Examples on the Internet
Further things to do and resources
This article is an anchor page to our blog articles concerning the Silverlight PivotViewer control. There are a range of articles topics and technical levels. Some target the developer who is ready to start customizing the Silverlight PivotViewer control beyond the documented public API, whilst others show examples of what can be achieved.
Any comments or request for future topics are welcome.

MIX11 OpenCall Voting – Session picker

MIX11 PivotViewer Sessions containing Geolocation

MIX11 PivotViewer Sessions containing Geolocation

We are really looking forward to MIX11 and with 207 sessions to choose from, we decided to take a couple of hours and put together a Pivot collection to provide a little help with narrowing down exactly which sessions you want to vote for.

Run the Silverlight MIX11 OPEN CALL application. As with all silverlight apps, works fine on most browsers and OS.

MIX11 PivotViewer Sessions on Razor

MIX11 PivotViewer Sessions on Razor

MIX11 PivotViewer Session Speakers

MIX11 PivotViewer Session Speakers

Adventures with PivotViewer Part 4: Augmented PDC10 reality – pivot the agenda

[News: the collection has been updated with links to the online session content…]

Microsoft PDC10 is upon us…

I was a little surprised that the Microsoft PDC team have not published a PivotViewer collection containing the agenda. We have already published a SQLBits 7 agenda and thought why not give PDC10 the same treatment.

So we did:
PDC10 agenda collection

Doing this gets easier and faster every time. That was a lot better experience than earlier attempts.

PDC10 Agenda in Pivot
PDC10 Agenda in themed PivotViewer

If you want to host the collection yourself or access and experiment with it locally using the Pivot application then feel free to do so. We hope it is a useful augmentation to your PDC10 experience. The ZIP contains copies of the dynamically created tiles and an Excel spreadsheet to match the static collection.

Have fun!

Update, very simple PivotViewer client Silverlight 4 application to run with the collection deployed at http://localhost/PDC2010/PDC2010.cxml (I am using the latest Aug-2010 version of PivotViewer and the latest Sep-2010 Silverlight 4).
Simplest of sample client